Tuesday 10 November 2015

Bird shelter

This is my plan and a model I made for a bird shelter.  The things I designed on my plan were hard to make so I had to change some of them. I am very proud of my model it took me a long time to make.

Friday 25 September 2015

Junior Production

This is a video of our class song at the Junior Production.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bee Report


Bees latin name is Apis its also an inverterbrate because it has no back bone

Bees make a hive on a tree, it also needs to be sunny and with heaps of flowers so they can get the nectar easily.

Bees have black and yellow stripes and they also have antena, a stinger, a furry head and body with see through wings. Bees have stripes to warn preaditers that their posnias . A bee s toughue is called a probscis. It is used to suck nectar from the flowers.

Each bee goes twice around the world collecting nectar and the pollen from all the flowers, and carrying it and pollenating other flowers. After that they fly back to the hive and turn all of the nectar into honey so we can eat it. They also do a waggle dance to comunicate.

We all need to take care of bees because they make honey for us to eat so we need to not kill them or don't knock over their hive if you find one.